Building a corporate cards processing system for a national-scale customs payments system

The Challenge

In 2013, a customs payments processor from Russia approached us with an exciting opportunity – to help them build a corporate cards system for accepting customs payments quickly and with ease. We were thrilled to take on this challenge and showcase our expertise in the field. We knew that our Payment Acquiring Platform, integrated with our StrongHold Fraud Prevention Platform, would be the perfect solution for our client’s needs. 

These cutting-edge systems covered all areas of service they desired – from customs card issuing for importers to managing a network of acquiring terminals at all border crossings across the country. And let’s not forget about the crucial aspect of screening transactions for potential fraud! Our comprehensive approach ensured that our client’s customs payments were processed smoothly and securely.

Solution We Offered

Processing Infrastructure and Fraud Prevention

Corporate cards have become increasingly popular in today’s business landscape, and it’s no wonder why. A recent study shows that businesses are shifting away from paper checks and embracing electronic and card payments, with a decrease of 32% in the use of paper checks for B2B payments. The benefits of accepting corporate cards are immense – not only do they offer cost savings compared to other payment methods, but they also provide businesses with increased cash flow, improved process efficiencies, and faster payment processing. These cards are not only easier to use and more secure, but they also lead to revenue generation and increased customer satisfaction. 

Our client wanted to build a system that would allow importers around the country to pay their customs duties at all border crossings with a swipe of the card – and the rest was taken care of by our client. Thus, they needed corporate cards issuing and processing infrastructure. Our Card Management System offers all the components required for building such infrastructure – switching, issuing, and acquiring parts. The switching system for connecting to networks (including internal hosts), clearing, and settlement. The ISO8583-based interfaces for connecting and managing the network of POS terminals. The issuing system, that allows complex, multi-level schemes of corporate card-account relationships. And our standard fraud prevention engine, to screen all transactions in real-time. In this project, we have seamlessly integrated all of these components to deliver a complete processing infrastructure.

Customer portal & mobile app

In addition to back-end corporate cards infrastructure, our client wanted to create a front-end portal for customers. In this portal, customers will track all transactions made with their cards, manage limits and restrictions, and process settlements. Our client wanted this portal to be accessible by customers from any device, web or mobile. So our Outstaffing Services team built web, iOS, and Android apps, easily accessible by the end users. 

Infrastructure management

In addition to all of the above, our client needed a skilled team of IT administrators to manage the whole infrastructure the solution components were delivered on. We offered a complete remote monitoring & SLA service from our Managed Services department. Our team monitors the performance of all solution components remotely 24/7, resolves any incidents in an agreed SLA timeframe, and performs routine administration tasks.


The development of this corporate cards system for accepting customs payments was an exciting endeavor for us. We were able to leverage our expertise in card management and fraud prevention to provide our client with a comprehensive solution. By embracing the benefits of corporate cards, businesses can unlock opportunities for revenue growth, improved cash flow, and process efficiencies. We are proud to have been part of this project and look forward to continuing to innovate in the payments space.


The Results

Technologies that were used in this project



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