D8 Corporation Implements StrongHold SaaS for Indexo to Deliver Cutting-Edge AML Services

Photo: Ieva Leiniša/LETA

D8 Corporation is proud to announce the successful implementation of its StrongHold SaaS platform for for INDEXO Bank, credit institution licensed by the European Central Bank, which will provide a full range of convenient and advantageous banking services initially to Latvian residents and afterwards also to companies. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in providing state-of-the-art anti money laundering services, empowering INDEXO Bank to enhance its security measures and deliver unparalleled protection to its customers.

Empowering INDEXO Bank with StrongHold SaaS

Establishing a new bank, INDEXO recognized the need for a robust and intelligent solution to face the threat of financial crime. D8 Corporation’s StrongHold SaaS has been specifically designed to meet these challenges with real-time event processing and analytics. This powerful combination enables INDEXO Bank to detect and prevent suspicious activities with unprecedented accuracy and speed.

The implementation of StrongHold SaaS introduces a new era of security, where data-driven insights and continuous monitoring ensure that suspicious activity is identified and mitigated before it can impact the bank’s operations or customer trust.

Cutting-Edge Technology for Real-Time AML Monitoring

StrongHold SaaS utilizes the latest advancements in machine learning, including supervised and unsupervised models, to analyze vast amounts of data in real time. The platform’s architecture, built on scalable and secure cloud infrastructure, allows customers to process and evaluate operations instantly, ensuring immediate detection of any suspicious activity.

By integrating StrongHold SaaS, the bank benefits from a comprehensive analytics system that not only protects against existing threats but also adapts to emerging risks. The platform’s continuous learning capabilities mean that it evolves with the landscape, staying ahead of fraudsters and ensuring the highest level of security.

A Partnership Built on Innovation

D8 Corporation and INDEXO Bank share a commitment to innovation and excellence. This partnership is a testament to D8’s expertise in delivering customized solutions that meet the specific needs of its clients. With StrongHold SaaS, the bank is now equipped with the tools necessary to maintain its reputation as a secure and reliable financial institution.

About Indexo

INDEXO is a financial services group that includes pension management companies and INDEXO Bank. INDEXO Bank is a credit institution licensed by the European Central Bank, which will provide a full range of convenient and advantageous banking services to Latvian residents and, within the next 6-9 months, also to Latvian companies.

INDEXO is founded and based in Latvia and is listed on the Nasdaq Riga stock exchange with nearly 6,000 shareholders. INDEXO fights for a better financial environment in Latvia, and the group’s goal is to strengthen the well-being of Latvian residents by providing modern, personalized services.

Additional information is available at www.indexo.lv.   

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