Tokenization Platform

A modern solution for digitizing payment cards or building your own Cloud-Based Tokenization ecosystem.

Are you prepared for the post-plastic world?

Let’s face it – the introduction of the iPhone in 2007 initiated a slow downfall of payment cards as we know them because those pieces of plastic do not mix well into the digital world. In late 2014, when Host Card Emulation (HCE) technology became mature enough to be scaled en masse and Mastercard announced the first version of the HCE standard (MCBP) in its network (thus enabling development of tokenization platform by third-parties), the downfall trend of payment cards has only accelerated.

What's HCE?

HCE technology allows you to create a fully secure, encrypted digital copy of your plastic card. This digital copy is called a “token”. You can then upload your issued tokens to any digital device that is equipped with NFC (which nowadays comes as default in most smartphones and wearables) and make payments with your digital devices at any point of sale that accepts contactless payments (which are already a standard in many places around the world).

As digital devices become increasingly embedded in our daily lives, this begets the question – how prepared is your organization to transition to “digital only” payments? As a card issuer, are you providing your customers with tokenization services that enable them to use digital devices for making payments?

Tokenization Platform – everything you need to build your own tokenization ecosystem

Tokenization Platform Ecosystem

Tokenization Platform is a complete solution for building and launching tokenization services for your customers in any configuration. The genesis of the Tokenization Platform stems all the way back to 2015 when D8 Corporation was one of the pioneers developing tokenization solutions for Mastercard under the first version of the MCBP standard. Our platform contains all necessary modules for building tokenization solutions in different configurations, for tokenizing cards from both domestic and international schemas. Our platform is also flexible enough to allow various implementations of customer-facing mobile wallets, depending on your digital strategy.

Tokenization Platform consists of the following system modules:

CMS connectors

Connectors for integrating with card issuers and card data pre-digitization checks.

Tokenization engine

A module for building a a Cloud-Based Tokenization Service (CBTS) for domestic card schemes.

Issuer wallet connectors

A set of interfaces for connecting to the most popular wallets - Apple, Google or Samsung Wallets, or for building your own.

Explore Tokenization Platform modules

Take a look at Tokenization Platform’s modules and how they can create value for your business. 

Tokenization Platform - CMS connectors

CMS connectors is a foundational module of the system that is responsible for processing pre-digitization requests. Pre-digitization requests are requests to the card issuers’ CMS systems that authenticate the cardholder and verify that issuer has allowed tokenization of a particular card.

This is a core module of any Tokenization Platform installation. Tokenization Platform has out-of-the-box I-TSP interfaces, certified by Mastercard and Visa, and a customizable I-TSP interface for domestic payment networks. It also supports a multi-tenant model, which makes this system suitable for processors, such as Worldline, that provide payment card issuing services to a network of banks.

CMS connectors module is also used for integrating with different OEM wallets. So far, D8 Corporation has completed multiple projects with ApplePay, SamsungPay, GooglePay, and GarminPay. You can see a couple of sample screenshots from these integrations below.

Tokenization Platform - Tokenization Engine

Tokenization engine is the main module of the system that is responsible for token issuing, storage, and lifecycle management. This engine consists of two parts: TSP and CBP.

TSP part is responsible for connecting to the token service providers (such as Mastercard MDES and Visa VTS) and processing all of the token lifecycle requests (issuing, status management, etc.), coming from the digital devices. Tokenization engine’s TSP is fully certified by Visa and Mastercard, as well as is fully ready for integration with Cloud-based Services (CBPs) of domestic card schemas.

CBP part is a unique feature of the Tokenization Platform. D8 Corporation is one of the few companies worldwide, that has out-of-the-box technology for building tokenization services for domestic card schemes. Using CBP components, a domestic card scheme, such as HUMO in Uzbekistan, can launch its own tokenization service that will directly rival tokenization services of global card schemes, like Visa VTS and Mastercard MDES.

Tokenization Platform - Issuer Wallet Connectors

Issuer Wallet connectors module offers a set of interfaces and tools for building open or closed loop issuer wallets. It consists of communication interfaces to send and receive requests to and from mobile applications and of Visa and Mastercard certified SDKs, that your developers can use to embed tokenization features in your digital services (mobile wallets, digital bank apps, wearable apps, etc.).

D8 Corporation also offers value-added mobile application development services, where our Android experts will develop a mobile application to your design and functional specification. Below are a couple of examples we have previously developed for our clients.

Tokenization Platform complementary Solutions

Furthermore, Tokenization Platform provides native integration with all our other solutions, unlocking a world of advanced functionalities.

License or SaaS commercial models available

We cater to the broad spectrum of organizations, from large and established banks to small and nimble startups. 

Regardless of how well-established is your organization, you can take advantage of Tokenization Platform – just start with SaaS installation and as your business grows, you can always switch to an in-house license later.

System migration from SaaS to in-house is seamless, thanks to configuration management features that allow you to migrate system configurations from one installation to another with only a few clicks.

Tokenization Platform Success Stories

GPay Bishkek

Helping a bank in Kyrgyzstan to tokenize their cards using GPay

In 2023, a well-known bank in Kyrgyzstan made the strategic decision to offer their cards in digital form through the GPay wallet. After careful consideration, they selected D8 as their preferred partner due to our extensive experience in tokenization systems and a successful track record of tokenization projects.

Project results:
✔︎ Launched an integration with GPay
✔︎ The bank became one of the first in the country to offer their cards in Google Wallet

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Launching tokenization in Uzbekistan

In early 2020, seeing the rapid development of tokenization services worldwide and the expansion of OEM wallets like Google Pay and Apple Pay, a local Uzbekistan card network wanted to offer such services to the local customers in Uzbekistan as well.

Project results:
✔︎ Successfully launched a national-scale CBTS
✔︎ 23+ banks onboarded in 3 months

Learn more
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